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Nowaday tale:: Not only for developers/testers

The King’s Challenge (a fable)
Once upon a time, a mighty king wanted to determine which of his three court wizards was the most powerful. So he put the three court wizards in the castle dungeon and declared whoever escaped from his respective dungeon cell first was the most powerful wizard in all the kingdom.

(…Before reading on, decide what you would do….)

The first wizard immediately started chanting mystical poems to open his cell door. The second wizard immediately started casting small polished stones and bits of bone on the floor to learn how he might open his cell door.The third wizard sat down across from his cell door and thought about the situation for a minute. Then he got up, walked over to the cell door and pulled on the door handle. The cell door swung open because it was closed but not locked. Thus, the third wizard escaped his cell first and became known as the most powerful wizard in all the kingdom.

Categories: brief news, JAVA
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